With the internet delivering more information than ever, consumers are able to know their rights and file complaints relating to fraudulent business practices and faulty products. Knowing the facts about class action lawsuits is the first step to get the settlement you deserve. Thomas Zimmerman, a top consumer rights attorney in Chicago, will support you in your claim and be sure the business is held responsible for the faulty product or fraudulent practices.
Click any of the topics below to learn more.
- What is a Class Action Lawsuit?
- When a group of consumers file a complaint, they can be combined into one case. This streamlines the court time and compiles the information for a more thorough case. This allows the case to be settled more quickly and all settlements to be distributed in a timely manner.
- What is the Advantage of Joining a Class Action Lawsuit?
- While there are many advantages to class action lawsuits, the biggest advantage to joining a class action lawsuit is efficiency. The case will be handled by one judge, and will result in one settlement. A class action lawsuit also takes the majority of the responsibility off of you.
- Does Being a Part of a Class Action Lawsuit Cost Money?
- To join a class action lawsuit, the Zimmerman Law Offices will represent you on a contingency fee basis so that no fees are collected unless the case is won. At that time, your consumer rights attorney in Chicago will collect the fees from the settlement proceeds.
- What Will I Get in a Settlement?
- Each case is different and settlements will vary. If the class action lawsuit is successful, then you will receive a portion of the award. You may also be entitled to a bonus for bringing the lawsuit on behalf of the class. Your consumer rights attorney in Chicago will explain your potential recovery.
- Who is the Lead Plaintiff?
- The court will appoint a lead plaintiff to prosecute the lawsuit on behalf of the entire group. If you are a part of a class action lawsuit, you can apply with a consumer rights attorney in Chicago to be the lead plaintiff. Similarly, a lead counsel is selected, which is why it is crucial to select an experienced and effective attorney like Thomas Zimmerman.
- What to Do If You Are Have Been Harmed by a Faulty Product
- If you suspect that you have been injured or made ill as a result of negligence, or you believe you have been scammed by a business, contact Zimmerman Law Offices to discuss your potential claims.