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Why You Should Never Face a Medical Board Investigation Alone – Part III

Contact One of the Most Dedicated License Defense Lawyers in Chicago, IL

When it comes to your professional medical license, there is no such thing as an inconsequential investigation. Working with a knowledgeable license defense lawyer in Chicago, IL will give you the peace of mind that you have someone on your side who will work diligently to defend you against any investigation, action for review, or disciplinary proceeding resulting from patient interaction.

Patient Complaints Often Precede Malpractice Claims

Any patient who complains to a professional investigative body is most likely unhappy with the care he or she received and is also likely to file a medical malpractice claim against you. The truth is, the only difference between a patient complaint to the state medical board and a malpractice claim is that the patient is not demanding money from you in a disciplinary complaint. These cases are, however, often precursors to impending legal actions.

In Conclusion

The state medical board has a right and duty to investigate all patient complaints, no matter how frivolous the allegations seem to you. Therefore, even when you don’t have any concerns about the quality of the care and treatment you provided, it is still wise to reach out to us at Zimmerman Law Offices so we can respond to the board on your behalf.

As a medical professional, you are susceptible to these types of complaints. When you contact an attorney early in these investigations, there is an excellent chance you will be able to resolve them without penalties or fines being levied against you.

It is important to note that once a state medical board has taken disciplinary action, it is reported to the Federation of State Medical Boards and the National Practitioners Data Bank. Furthermore, if you practice in other states, you may be required to report any disciplinary action to all other states in which you have a medical license or practice. Therefore, it is vital to take the same type of caution that you would apply to medical malpractice claims and lawsuits, and apply it to state medical board investigations as well.

Our legal team is dedicated to decreasing the likelihood that an investigation will proceed past the initial stages; thus, reducing the chance of disciplinary action or the levying of fines. If you ever find yourself to be the subject of a state board investigation, remember to pick up the phone before you respond for the best possible outcome. We are here to help.


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