Organizations rely on professional license verification when they are hiring, promoting, and making decisions about compensation. If an employee or candidate’s professional certification is misrepresented, the consequences to an employer or organization can be huge. This risk ranges from mere embarrassment to criminal and civil liability.
How Licenses are Verified
Professional licenses, including medical, legal, accounting, and real estate are all verifiable by checking with the certification-granting agency or board. There are several ways to verify a professional’s license. These include someone from the organization contacting the certification-granting body directly, subscribing to an online service that conducts the verification process for a fee, or logging on to the state’s website in the state the license was issued.
Often large companies will use a well-established service to conduct their license verifications. Not only does this reduce administrative time and costs, but it also reduces liability and allows companies to take on new personnel with more confidence.
Verification Pitfalls
If you are a professional whose livelihood depends on your professional license remaining in good standing, you will want to make sure that any investigations, violations, or restrictions in regards to your license are quickly and successfully defended and, when possible, removed from your record.
How We Can Help
Anyone can make a mistake, and if you find yourself in the position of defending your right to practice your profession, you will want to enlist the help of a knowledgeable legal professional. At Zimmerman Law Offices, we have extensive experience in the field of professional license defense in Chicago and we are ready to assist you. Contact us today to discuss the specifics of your situation.